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Arensbak - White


EUR 18,95

"...That is absolutely delicious! That may be the best proxy wine I've ever had in my life! I could drink that all day ...9.5 out of 10.” - More Natural Wine

Arensbak White is crafted on a base of Oolong tea harvested 900 meters above the ocean in the Fujian province of southeastern China. The tea has a floral and light citrusy taste that gives Arensbak White its fresh and elegant flavor.

What to expect

Arensbak White has a velvety mouthfeel with floral notes and fruity aromas. It is made on a base of kombucha and quince, melon, lemon thyme and marigold flowers are infused in the second fermentation. It is layered with oak to enhance the natural tannins and structure but it also adds a subtle touch of vanilla..

Perfect Pairing

Seafood such as mussels, baked and steamed vegetables, pasta dishes, cheeses and desserts.

Serving suggestions

Remove the bottle from the fridge 10 minutes before serving and let it breathe before enjoying it.


ABV <0,5%



Something about the supplier
Arensbak is a novel non-alcoholic beverage crafted in Copenhagen by a sommelier and a gastrophysicist, focusing on fermented tea bases to create complex, wine-like drinks. They leverage high-quality teas and botanicals, emphasizing depth and vinosity without alcohol. The project represents an innovative approach to non-alcoholic wine alternatives, combining expertise in flavor composition and fermentation science

selected by gustaaf

an exquisite blend selected by gustaaf

At Gustaaf, each product is carefully chosen to meet the highest quality standards. We collaborate with the best brands to offer premium non-alcoholic beverages, ensuring that every choice is a reflection of our commitment to excellence. We are dedicated to uncovering the finest products which guarantees a curated experience that celebrates quality and the joy of social gatherings.